Getting Started with Yomojo
Before signing up
Yomojo Plans
Each Yomojo Plan consists of a combination of Voice, Text, Data and possibly International calling. Not all plans include an allowance for all usage types. Plans have a 30-day expiry and can be changed any time to suit your needs – any changes will take effect from the start of your next Plan renewal.
  1. VOICE – Includes standard voice calls to national fixed line and any mobile numbers (including Yomojo), 13 numbers and voice mail within Australia. 1800 numbers are free and will not be deducted from your Voice allowance.
  2. TEXT – Includes standard national SMS and MMS sent within Australia.
  3. DATA – Includes standard 3G/4G Data usage within Australia.
  4. INTERNATIONAL – Includes standard voice calls to international fixed line and mobile numbers in selected countries. See this link for the included countries:
How Much Mobile Data Do You Actually Need?
  • To help you decide on which mobile plan you need, we have provided some figures to illustrate how much data you might use for some popular apps and services. We suggest that you review the table below in relation to your internet surfing habits and note each person’s usage behavior varies.
Service/App Data Per Hour (except for Skype and Whatsapp)
Average Web Browsing Approx. 60MB
Facetime Approx. 85MB
Skype Approx. 875KB per minute*
Whatsapp Approx. 740.6KB per minute*
Social Networks  
Facebook Approx. 80MB
Instagram Approx. 720MB
Snapchat Approx. 160MB
Media and Streaming  
Facebook video Approx. 160MB
Foxtel Now From 320MB
Lossless Music Streaming (Tidal) Approx. 640MB
Music Streaming Up to 150MB
Netflix From 250MB
Online gaming From 3MB
Podcasts Approx. 60MB
Stan From 570MB
YouTube Approx. 300MB

*Data source:

What do I need to join Yomojo?
  1. Valid email address – If you are already a Yomojo customer, just login and you can add new mobile services from your Dashboard.
  2. Australian delivery address – We can only send your SIM card to an Australian address. You can choose whether we send to your home address or an alternate, more convenient address such as your workplace.
  3. Credit/Debit card – Our accepted payment methods at sign-up are credit and debit cards so we can verify your identity for telecommunications compliance purposes. After you have activated, if you wish to pay via cheque or money order you can send this to our office and it will be applied to your account once funds are cleared. Please contact our Customer Service team to arrange this.
What SIM card size do I need for my phone?
  • When you purchase a Yomojo SIM card, you will receive one of our “triple punch” SIM cards. Our triple punch SIM cards cater to all mobile devices so it will be a perfect fit!
What is the difference between Monthly Billing and Prepay?
  1. Prepay – Plans are paid for upfront and ongoing payments are taken on the renewal day of your plan. If you use up your plan inclusions before it expires or wish to use call, text or data services outside of your plan inclusion you will need to top up your Excess Credit. (See: What are Excess Charges and Excess Credit?)
  2. Monthly Billing (available to some existing customers only) – You will receive a monthly invoice two (2) days after the end of your billing period. The invoice will detail your Plan charge, any Excess charges plus any additional account credits or charges within the billing period. If you use up any of your inclusions before expiry, your service will not be interrupted. Instead, you will be billed Excess Rates for that specific usage and charges incurred will be on top of your monthly plan charge. Usage not included in your plan will also be charged at Excess Rates (See: What are Excess Charges and Excess Credit?)
Can I use any device with Yomojo?
  • Our SIM cards are tested to work on mobile phones, tablets (such as iPad’s) and WiFi dongles only. Your device must be network unlocked for our SIM card to work. If your device is network locked, contact your device provider to secure an unlocking code. We cannot guarantee that our service will work on Security alarms and other devices not mentioned above.
How do I check if my device is network locked?
  • Please contact your current service provider and provide the IMEI number of your phone so they can check if the device is locked. You may see your phone’s IMEI number by typing this code into your phone: *#06#
Can I bring my number over?
  • Yes! If you wish to bring your number to Yomojo, during the sign-up process simply tick the ‘I want to bring my mobile number to Yomojo’ option and input the number you want to port and the name of your current provider. (See: Bring My Number over)
Will I be locked in to a contract?
  • No! There are no lock-in contracts with Yomojo, so you are free to change your plan as you need and you may cancel at any time without penalty (other than breaking our hearts). If you do cancel your service, you will lose any unused allowance at the time of cancellation.
Can I use my Yomojo Mobile to call 1900/premium numbers?
  • Calling 1900/premium numbers are blocked. You may text 1900 numbers, but you will have to enable this via SIM Settings on your Dashboard.
Ordering a SIM card online (signing up)
What do I need to order a SIM card online?
  1. Valid email address - If you are already a Yomojo customer, just login and you can add new mobile services from your Dashboard.
  2. Australian delivery address – We can only send your SIM card to an Australian address. You can choose whether we send to your home address or an alternate, more convenient address such as your workplace.
  3. Credit/Debit card – Our accepted payment methods at sign-up are credit and debit cards so we can verify your identity for telecommunications compliance purposes. After you have activated, if you wish to pay via cheque or money order you can send this to our office and it will be applied to your account once funds are cleared. Please contact our Customer Service team to arrange this.
How much does it cost to get my SIM card delivered?
  • The Yomojo SIM card and delivery included for no additional charge to your monthly plan.
How long will it take to get my SIM card?
  • We use Australia Post’s Priority Post service. Please allow 1-5 business days for your SIM card to be delivered.
Can my SIM card be delivered to a different address to my home address?
  • Yes, as long as the address is a valid Australian address (physical or postal).
What do I do once I receive my SIM card?
  • Once your SIM has arrived, it will need to be activated to get your service up and running. We will automatically activate your SIM for you (we’ll tell you when) but you can always activate sooner: simply head back onto our website and click 'Activate SIM' or contact us on 1300 YOMOJO (1300 966 656).
Bringing My Number Over
How long does it take to port?
  • We submit your port request immediately after you activate your SIM card but we have to wait for your provider to release your number to us - and this is where most of the time is lost! Please allow up to 48 hours for porting to be completed but number porting typically completes the same day (Mon-Sat only).
How will I know when my number has been ported?
  • You will receive an email from us when your number has been successfully ported. Whilst your number is being ported, simply continue to use your old SIM card - your old service will continue to work until porting has been complete, at which point the network will drop out and you'll know it’s time to swap in your new Yomojo SIM card.
Can I port later on?
  • No, porting is triggered once you click on ‘Activate SIM’. If you want to get a new number instead, you must contact our Customer Support team for their assistance.
I received an email/SMS saying my port is rejected
  • Don't stress! This simply means that the details you provided do not match those on record with your previous provider. Please log into your Yomojo Dashboard to check if your details are correct - if they are correct you may need to contact your previous carrier to update your details so they match. Our Support Team will be happy to help you through this to make the process as fast as possible and once your details are matching the port will be processed successfully.
Activating your SIM card
How long will it take to activate my service?
  • Please allow 30 minutes for your service to be fully active after activating your SIM card. If you're porting your number, the porting process will begin as soon as you've activated your SIM card. (See Bringing My Number Over)
How do I change my auto-activation date?
  • You may alter the activation date through the Yomojo website or by contacting the Customer Service team. However, the activation date can only be deferred up to 45 days into the future.
What Network is Yomojo on?
  • Yomojo runs on the powerful Optus 3G/4G Plus Network.
Does Yomojo have 4G?
  • Yes! We have 4G coverage available. It runs on 1800 Mhz, 2100 Mhz and 2300 Mhz frequencies.
What is the difference between 3G and 4G?
  • 4G is faster than 3G, which means less buffering, better video quality, enhanced gaming experience and improved streaming services.
How do I know if my phone is 4G-capable?
  • We recommend looking up your device specification by visiting your phone manufacturer’s website. Since it is common for manufacturers to release models with different hardware in different regions, see to it that you are researching on an Australian website. Check if the MHz frequency of your device is able to support 700MHz, 1800MHz, 2100MHz, 2300MHz or 2600MHz. If the answer is yes, then your phone is 4G-capable.
How do I know if I am connected to 4G?
  • Your Signal Bar should indicate 4G.
Using your Yomojo Service
Plans Validity
Your Plan
  1. Your Plan will renew automatically every 30 days.
  2. Through your Dashboard or mobile app, you can buy data bolt-ons or use Excess Credit to pay for usage outside of your plan allowance or plan inclusion.
  3. Via our Change Plan feature, you can change your Plan whenever you like and as many times as you like. The last saved Plan will be applied on the next scheduled renewal date.
  4. The plan allowance does not roll-over month-to-month.
What happens if I use up all of a Plan allowance before the expiry?
  • For prepaid services, you simply won’t be able to use the feature relevant to that allowance. You will need to have – or top-up – your Excess Credit balance if you want to continue using your service.
  • For Monthly Billing services your service will not be interrupted but all usage will be charged on our standard Excess Rates.
  • Excess Rates
    11c/min for voice calls
    9c/160 characters for SMS
    5c/MB for data usage
  • See here for our full list of our Excess Rates:
How can Bolt-ons help?
What are Bolt-ons?
  • Bolt-ons add data to your existing Data allowance when you need that extra boost. It's much cheaper than the Excess Rate for your additional data.
How do I get a Bolt-on?
  • Your Plan must already include a Data allowance. If so, you can choose to add a 1GB or 2GB data Bolt-on straight from your Dashboard or via the mobile app. If your service is prepaid, we will charge your credit/debit card at the time you add a Bolt-on. If you have a Monthly Billing service, the charge for the Bolt-on will be added to your next monthly bill.
When does it expire?
  • Bolt-ons have the same expiry as your current Plan.

    For example:
    Current plan expires on 31st of December
    Bolt-on added on 25th of December
    Bolt-on expires on 31st of December
What happens if I don’t use my Bolt-on?
  • Since your Bolt-on expires with the rest of your plan, any unused Bolt-on data will also expire. Unused data does not roll over. Charges are non-refundable.
What are my bolt-on options?
  • You can choose to add 1GB for $11 or get 2GB for $20.
Is there a limit as to how many bolt-ons I can add?
  • No, there is no limit. Just remember that bolt-ons have the same expiry as your current plan and any unused bolt-on data will not roll over. Charges are non-refundable.
What are Excess Charges and Excess Credit?
Excess Charges and Excess Credit
  1. Excess Credit is used to pay for ‘excess’ services not included in your Plan or to pay for usage when you have used up all your Plan allowance for a particular inclusion type. For example, if your Plan does not include any International call minutes, you will need to top-up your Excess Credit to make an international call. If you use all your data allowance before your plan renews, you need to top-up your Excess Credit to keep using data. If you have a Monthly Billing service, you won’t need to top-up but that usage will be charged at our standard Excess Rates.
  2. Excess Rates
    11c/min for voice calls
    9c/160 characters for SMS
    5c/MB for data usage
  3. See here for our full list of our Excess Rates:
Excess Credit expiry
  • Prepaid Excess Credit is valid for 90 days from the time of top-up. Unused credit will be saved as long as you purchase or renew your Plan at least one day before the expiry date. Doing this extends the expiry of your existing credit for another 90 days.
Minimum top up
  • The minimum amount to top-up Excess Credit is $10.
Excess Credit Auto Top-up
  1. We will automatically top up your Excess Credit if your balance drops below $2.
  2. You may activate/deactivate the Auto-top up feature by logging into your Dashboard and enabling the setting.
  3. You may select the Auto Top-up amount from: $10, $15, $20, $30, $50, $100
Using your Yomojo Mobile
What is VoLTE?
VoLTE stands for Voice over LTE. This is a new technology that allows voice calls on the Optus 4G Plus Network (Currently, voice calls use 3G). VoLTE is FREE! No extra/additional charge to use this service. All voice calls will be charged the same as your regular calls.

What difference should I notice?
  • Faster call connection times
  • Sharper and clearer call quality
  • Able to browse whilst on call when connected on 4G
How can I use VoLTE?
There are 3 requirements to use VoLTE:
  • The VoLTE service must be enabled
  • Your phone/device must be VoLTE compatible
  • The VoLTE must be ON in the phone/device settings
Setup VoLTE On Apple Devices
  1. Tap Settings icon on Home screen
  2. Tap Mobile menu item
  3. Tap Mobile Data Options menu item
  4. Tap Enable 4G menu item
  5. Select the Voice & Data option to enable VoLTE
Setup VoLTE On Samsung Devices
  1. Open Apps icon
  2. Locate Settings Icon
  3. Click Mobile Networks
  4. Select VoLTE to enable on the device.
Enable VoLTE on Other Android Devices
The exact steps you will need to follow to enable VoLTE may slightly vary per device, but generally you will need to:
  1. Open Apps icon
  2. Locate Settings icon
  3. Click Mobile Networks
  4. Select VoLTE to enable on the device
How to check if I am using VoLTE?
iPhone users will continue see “LTE” or “4G” at the top of the phone screen while engaged on a call. Other compatible Android handset will see “VoLTE” next to the 4G icon in the phone screen, when in a VoLTE coverage area. During a 4G voice call, you will also see the HD icon in the calling screen.
Can I make emergency calls “000” on VoLTE?
All VoLTE-compatible handsets can make calls to Triple Zero (000) on VoLTE as normal to your chosen Emergency Service (Police, Ambulance, Fire).
There may be limitations on calling Triple Zero on VoLTE in an area with no underlying 3G coverage.
What is Wi-Fi Calling?
Wi-Fi Calling allows you to make and receive Calls, MMS and SMS over a Wi-Fi network if you have a compatible Wi-Fi Calling device, connected to a supported Wi-Fi network and you don't have sufficient mobile network coverage to make a call.

Wi-Fi Calling does not have additional cost. It is included if you have a mobile plan or will be charged the regular Voice, SMS and MMS charges if without a plan.
Can I choose Wi-Fi calling as my preferred calling option?
  • Your phone will try to establish a call using 4G first. If 4G is too weak or unavailable, it will use Wi-Fi Calling.
  • To make calls over a Wi-Fi connection even with your network mobile coverage available, you have to override your device's default settings. The settings vary per device.
Can I call Emergency 000 using Wi-Fi Calling?
Yes, emergency 000 calls are supported over Wi-Fi Calling if there is no mobile network coverage available to make the call if you have Wi-Fi coverage and are using a Wi-Fi Calling compatible device with the latest software.
Does Wi-Fi Calling work while the phone is in airplane mode?
Yes. Airplane mode does not prevent Wi-Fi Calling.
How will I know when I am on Wi-Fi Call?
Different devices show different icons to indicate that you are using Wi-Fi Calling:
  • Apple iPhone - you will see ‘Optus Wi-Fi Call’ on your home screen.
  • Samsung - you will see the Wi-Fi Calling Icon on your home screen.
  • Other devices – you will either see ‘Optus Wi-Fi Call’ or Wi-Fi Calling Icon on your home screen.
Do I need to change the way I call to use Wi-Fi Calling?
No. If your device is compatible and VoLTE/Wi-Fi Calling is activated, making and receiving calls and messages over Wi-Fi Calling will be the same as when using the mobile network.
Why can’t I make or receive Wi-Fi calls?
Reasons for being unable to make or receive Wi-Fi Call are below:
  • VoLTE and Wi-Fi Calling are not enabled.
  • You have not installed the latest software for your device.
  • The Wi-Fi Calling settings on your device are turned off.
  • You are not connected to a Wi-Fi network.
Does Wi-Fi Calling consume my mobile data?
Wi-Fi Calling uses mobile data to setup the call, however this data usage is unmetered and does not count towards your mobile data usage allowance.
Is Wi-Fi Calling secure?
Yes, Wi-Fi Calling uses the same SIM based authentication that is used when making calls over the Optus mobile network.​
Does Wi-Fi Calling support Voicemail and Visual Voicemail?
Wi-Fi Calling capability supports voicemail but currently does not support visual voicemail.
What happens to my call if I leave the Wi-Fi hotspot?
Wi-Fi Calling capability supports voicemail but currently does not support visual voicemail.
  1. If Wi-Fi calling was used to start the call, then the customer stepped out of the house, the phone will connect to VoLTE and the call will continue.​
  2. If the caller was using VoLTE to start the call, then stepped inside the house, the phone should still use VoLTE unless the signal was too weak and the phone switches to 3G or Wi-Fi calling.​
What devices are VoLTE-compatible?
Apple iPhone
The following iPhone devices are supported on VoLTE postpaid and prepaid plans (4G Voice) service.
  • iPhone 15 Pro Max
  • iPhone 15 Pro
  • iPhone 14 Pro Max
  • iPhone 14 Pro
  • iPhone 13 Pro Max
  • iPhone 13 Pro
  • iPhone 13 mini
  • iPhone 13
  • iPhone 12 Pro
  • iPhone 12 Pro Max
  • iPhone 12 Mini
  • iPhone 12
  • iPhone XS
  • iPhone XS Max
  • iPhone XR
  • iPhone X
  • iPhone 8
  • iPhone 8 Plus
  • iPhone 7
  • iPhone 7 Plus
  • iPhone 6
  • iPhone 6 Plus
  • iPhone 6s
  • iPhone 6s Plus
  • iPhone SE
  • For Apple devices, you will need to ensure you are running software version iOS 9.3.2 (or later).
  • These devices, when running the iOS software version 10.2.1 (or later) also support emergency calls to Triple Zero over the 4G Network. 

The following Samsung devices are supported on VoLTE postpaid and prepaid plans (4G voice) service.
  • Samsung Galaxy Fold2 5G (SM-F916B)
  • Samsung Galaxy Fold (SM-F900F)
  • Samsung Galaxy Z Flip (SM-F700F)
  • Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5G (SM-F707B)
  • Samsung Galaxy Note10+ (SM-N975F)
  • Samsung Galaxy Note10+5G (SM-N976B)
  • Samsung Galaxy S21 5G (SM-G991B)
  • Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G (SM-G996B)
  • Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (SM-G998B)
  • Samsung Galaxy S20 4G (SM-G980F)
  • Samsung Galaxy S20 5G (SM-G981B)
  • Samsung Galaxy S20+ 5G (SM-G986B)
  • Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G (SM-G988B)
  • Samsung Galaxy S20 FE (SM-G780F)
  • Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G (SM-G781B)
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 20 5G (SM-N981B)
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G (SM-N986B)
  • Samsung Galaxy S10 (Emergency Calls Build Number PPR1.180610.011.G973FXXU1ASAT)
  • Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus (Emergency Calls Build Number PPR1.180610.011.G975FXXU1ASAT)
  • Samsung Galaxy S10e (Emergency Calls Build Number PPR1.180610.011.G970FXXU1ASAT)
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 9 (Emergency Calls Build Number M1AJQ.N960FXXU1ARG7)
  • Samsung Galaxy S9 (Emergency Calls Build Number R16NW.G960FXXU1ARAN)
  • Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus (Emergency Calls Build Number R16NW.G965FXXU1ARAN)
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 8 (Emergency Calls Build Number NMF26X.N950FXXU1AQH4)
  • Samsung Galaxy S8 (Emergency Calls Build Number NRD90M.G950FXXU1AQC9)
  • Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus (Emergency Calls Build Number NRD90M.G955FXXU1AQC9)
  • Samsung Galaxy S7 (Emergency Calls Build Number NRD90M.G930FXXU1DQBH)
  • Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge (Emergency Calls Build Number NRD90M.G935FXXU1DQBH)
  • Samsung Galaxy S6 (Emergency Calls Build Number NRD90M.G920IDVU3FQH3)
  • Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge (Emergency Calls Build Number NRD90M.G925IDVU3FQH3)
  • Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus (Emergency Calls Build Number NRD90M.G928IDVU3CQF3)
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 5 (Emergency Calls Build Number NRD90M.N920IDVU3CQF3)
  • Samsung Galaxy A5 2017 (Emergency Calls Build Number MMB29K.A520FXXU1AQB7)
  • Samsung Galaxy J5 Pro (SM-J530Y)
  • Samsung Galaxy Star
  • Samsung Galaxy Star 2
  • Samsung Galaxy J2 Pro (SM-J250G)
  • Samsung Galaxy A8 (SM-A530F)
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 (SM-T515)
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.5 (SM-T595)
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab Se 10.5 (SM-T725)
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 (SM-T875F)
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab S7+ 5G (SM-T976B)
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 (SM-T505)
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab Active3 (SM-T575)
  • Samsung Galaxy A30 (SM-A305YN)
  • Samsung Galaxy A50 (SM-A505YN)
  • Samsung Galaxy A51 (SM-A515F)
  • Samsung Galaxy A52 5G (SM-A526B)
  • Samsung Galaxy A90 (SM-A908B)
  • You'll need to make sure your Samsung device is running the latest software update.
  • The Emergency call "Build number" appears in the Settings feature on your VoLTE device. It confirms that emergency calls to Triple Zero can be made on the 4G VoLTE network.
  • Check the build number of your device by going to Settings>About Device>Software Info.

Google Pixel
The following Google Pixel devices are supported on VoLTE postpaid and prepaid plans (4G voice) service.
  • Google Pixel 3
  • Google Pixel 3XL
  • Google Pixel 4
  • Google Pixel 4 XL
  • Google Pixel 5
  • You'll need to make sure your Google Pixel device is running the latest software update.

The following Oppo devices are supported on VoLTE postpaid and prepaid plans (4G voice) service.
  • Oppo Find X2 Lite
  • Oppo Find X3 Pro
  • Oppo Find X3 Lite
  • Oppo R11s
  • Oppo R15 Pro
  • Oppo AX5s
  • Oppo Reno Z (CPH1979)
  • Oppo Reno 5G (CPH1921)
  • Oppo Compass Pro
  • Oppo A53s
  • Oppo A54
  • You'll need to make sure your Oppo device is running the latest software update.

Other Android devices
The following Android devices are supported on VoLTE postpaid and prepaid plans (4G voice) service.
  • LG G5
  • HTC 10
  • HTC U11
  • Sony Xperia XZ Premium
  • Huawei Vogue Dual SIM
  • Huawei Elle Dual SIM
  • Huawei P30 Lite Dual SIM
  • Nokia 3310
  • Razer Phone 2
  • Bullitt S61
  • Bullitt B35
  • Bullitt S52
  • realme C3 (RMX2020)
  • realme C21 (RMX3201)
  • Motorola Moto G8 Power Lite (XT2055-4)
  • Optus X Delight
  • Optus X Tap
  • You'll need to make sure your Android device is running the latest software update.
Managing your Yomojo Account
Setting Up your Plan
How do I add/change my Plan?
  1. Log into your Dashboard or mobile app using your email address and password.
  2. Click on the ‘Change Your Plan’ button on the right side of your dashboard.
  3. On the ‘Change Your Plan’ window, move the slider/s to choose the plan you want to add or update and then click on ‘Save Plan & Continue’.
  4. You can change your Plan whenever you like. However, any changes made will take effect on the next renewal date or immediately if there is no active Plan at the time of the change.
  5. You can make unlimited adjustments to your Plan before the renewal date. The last saved configuration will be applied on the scheduled renewal date.
What happens to my unused credit?
  • Any unused allowance is lost on the renewal or expiry of your Plan.
What happens if I have insufficient funds or my payment fails on my renewal date?
  1. For Prepaid – Your Plan will not renew. Your outgoing service will resume once you successfully purchase a new Plan.
  2. For Monthly Billing – Your plan will not renew. Note, your usage may be charged at Standard Excess Credit Rates if you do not have an active Plan. Failure to pay your service may result in suspension/cancellation of your service.
Can I update my plan in the middle of the current Plan cycle?
  • You can make unlimited adjustments to your Plan however, changes will take effect on the next renewal date. Should you need more data allowance, you may purchase a Data Bolt-on.
How do I top-up my Excess Credit?
  1. Log into your Dashboard using your email address and password.
  2. Click on the ‘TOP UP Now’ button on the right side of your dashboard.
  3. Move the slider for the desired top up amount. You may top up from $10 - $50, with $1 increments.
  4. Once decided on the top up amount, click on "Confirm and Top up Now" button.
Account Management Portal (dashboard)
How can I update my account information?
You may update your account information by logging into your Dashboard and going to Account Settings. You can update the following information:
  1. Email Address
  2. Billing Address
  3. Credit Card Details
  4. Account Password
Can I reset my password online?
  • On the log in page, click on the ‘Forgot Your Password’ link and you will be asked to key in your email address. Password reset instructions will be sent to your email.
How do I view my usage?
  • You may view your usage by going to the ‘Usage history’ tab through your Dashboard. You may view your usage for the current and the most recent billing period.
How can I check my Excess Credit balance?
  • Your Excess Credit balance is displayed on the right side of your Dashboard or on the main screen on our mobile app.
How do I activate international roaming and other value added services?
To activate international roaming and other added services, please log into your Dashboard or mobile app and see the SIM Settings section. You may manage these features:
  • International Roaming
  • Premium SMS
  • Voicemail
  • Call Waiting
  • Caller ID
  • Call Diverts
Other Account related concerns
How do I appoint an Authorised Representative to my account?
  • You need to contact our Customer Service team who can assist you to add an Authorised Representative. You will need to provide details about your Authorised Representative and supply us with specific documentation to support the process. Your Authorised Representative will have the authority to deal with us, including to discuss or make changes to your account without you being present.
How do I appoint an Advocate to my account?
  • If you contact us and successfully identify yourself as our customer, you do not need to formally appoint an advocate to speak on your behalf in that instance. If you wish for someone to act as your Advocate without you being present, you will need to complete the same process as adding an Authorised Representative to your account. While you are present, your advocate may discuss or make changes to your account. When you are not present, your advocate will not be permitted to make any changes to your account.
How can I cancel my Yomojo service?
Please contact our Customer Service team directly via Email, Live chat or by calling our hotline.
Can I have multiple services (SIM cards) under one account?
Yes, you can add additional services to your account via the Dashboard. Use the “Add Service” link in the top right corner of your Dashboard to purchase an additional service to add to your account. You may be eligible to receive our Family Bundle discount! If you require any assistance, please contact our Customer Service Team.
Does it cost anything to change the ownership of my account
  • No. Changing the ownership of an account is FREE however you will need to complete this form as part of your request.
What does it cost to change my mobile number?
  • Changing a mobile number costs $20 per event.
Can I get a Premium number?
  • Yes you may. This option requires a fee upon request. Premium number fee is $30 per number.
Basic Troubleshooting
Internet & MMS Set up for Mobile Phones
iPhone Troubleshooting/Facetime and iMessage Activation
Your iPhone should automatically update its carrier settings for Yomojo. Just insert the SIM card, connect your phone to iTunes and sync your device to download the carrier settings. Make sure you back-up your phone first so you don’t lose anything important.

If you need to set up your iPhone manually, simply follow these steps:
  1. Tap Settings
  2. Tap General
  3. Tap Reset
  4. Tap Reset Network Settings
  5. Re-sync w/ iTunes*
*Make sure you back-up your phone first so you don’t lose anything important.

iMessage Activation
  1. Tap Settings
  2. Tap Messages
  3. Tap iMessage slider to ON
        Note: You will need at least 35c of Pay As You Go credit to activate iMessage as your iPhone sends an automatic SMS to Apple servers. Activation will complete within 24 hours.

Facetime Activation
  1. Tap Settings
  2. Tap Facetime
  3. Tap Facetime slider to ON
Setting up Internet for my Android Device
Below is a guide for configuring internet settings on your Android mobile device. As there are different versions of the Android Operating Systems and devices in the market, we have come up with some basic steps required to get you up and running with the internet.

Here’s the Android APN Settings for your phone:
  1. Press Menu
  2. Tap New APN
  3. Tap Name and enter Yomojo and tap OK
  4. Tap APN and enter yesinternet and tap OK
  5. Ensure Proxy is NOT set
  6. Ensure Port is NOT set
  7. Ensure Username is NOT set
  8. Ensure Password is NOT set
  9. Ensure Server is NOT set
  10. Ensure MMSC is NOT set
  11. Ensure MMS Proxy is NOT set
  12. Ensure MMS Port is NOT set
  13. MCC is 505
  14. MNC is 02
  15. Authentication Type is PAP
  16. APN Type is default or internet
  17. APN protocol: IPv4
  18. Enable / Disable APN: Box ticked
  19. Bearer is unspecified
  20. Press Menu and hit SAVE
  21. Tap Yomojo and make sure it has a green/blue dot indicator next to it
  22. Enable Mobile networks
  23. Restart phone and check if you can connect
Internet set up for tablets/mobile broadband
Setting up internet for my iPad
Here’s how you can set up the APN on your iPad:
  1. Select Settings
  2. Select Cellular Data tab
  3. Select APN Settings
  4. APN is yesinternet
  5. Username is null
  6. Password is null
Packet Data
  1. Select Settings
  2. Tap Cellular Data Tab
  3. Select Cellular Data to enable / disable
Setting up internet for my Pocket Wifi/USB dongle
There are many different devices which will enable you to create a WIFI hotspot for use with your Yomojo data. Below are a set of generic settings which you can use to configure your device. If you need more detailed instructions, please refer to the manufacturer’s documentation (manual).

Generic Settings
  1. Open Tools / Options
  2. Click New / New Profile
  3. Set Profile name to Yomojo
  4. Click ‘Static’ radio button
  5. Enter yesinternet in the APN field
  6. Enter *99# in the access number field
  7. Select CHAP if asked for authentication type
  8. Username field is BLANK
  9. Password field is BLANK
  10. Click Save
  11. Click Set as Default
  12. Click OK
  13. Test if internet works
Phone Calls
I cannot make outbound calls
  • Make sure you have not used up your Voice allowance.
  • Check if you have reception on your mobile device by looking next to the operator logo.
  • Restart your phone and make sure that the number you are dialing is correct.
  • Note down the error message and contact our Customer Service team after the above steps have been completed and you’re still unable to make outbound calls.
I cannot receive incoming calls
  • Check if you have reception on your mobile device by looking next to the operator logo.
  • Restart your phone and test if you can make outbound calls.
  • Ensure diversion is NOT set to Unconditional.
  • Contact our Customer Service team if you’re still unable to receive calls after completing the above.
I can’t make international calls
  • Maybe you used up your allowance? Make sure you have Excess Credit.
  • If you have an international allowance, ensure the country you’re calling is included in the countries we provide international access.
  • Ensure you’re using the correct area code when dialing: 0011 + country code + mobile/phone number (minus the leading 0)
  • Note down the error message and contact our Customer Service team after the above steps have been completed and you’re still unable to make international calls.
I cannot send SMS
  • Have you used up the Text allowance included in your plan?
  • Check if you have reception on your mobile device by looking next to the operator logo.
  • Are you able to make outgoing calls?
  • Make Sure SMSC on your phone is set to: +61411990001.
  • Restart phone and send a test SMS to your own number.
  • Note down the error message and contact our Customer Service team if you’re still unable to send SMS after checking these steps.
I cannot receive SMS
  • Check if you have reception on your mobile device by looking next to the operator logo.
  • Are you receiving phone calls?
  • Ensure your inbox is NOT FULL.
  • Restart your phone, take the SIM card out and put it back in after a minute and send a test SMS to your own number so you can check if you can receive messages.
  • Contact our Customer Service team if you’re still unable to receive SMS after completing these steps.
MMS Settings
  1. Press Apps (grid icon)
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select Connections tab (along the top)
  4. Select More networks
  5. Select Mobile networks
  6. Select Access Point Names
  7. Press Menu (left soft key)
  8. Select New APN
  9. Enter Name: Yomojo MMS
  10. Enter APN: mms
  11. Leave Proxy blank
  12. Leave Port blank
  13. Leave Username blank
  14. Leave Password blank
  15. Leave Server blank
  16. Enter MMSC:
  17. Enter MMS proxy:
  18. Enter MMS port: 8070
  19. Select MMS protocol: WAP 2.0
  20. Enter MCC: 505
  21. Enter MNC: 02
  22. Leave Authentication type: blank
  23. Enter APN type: mms
  24. Select Bearer: Unspecified
  25. Press Menu (left soft key)
  26. Select Save
Voicemail Troubleshooting
How do I set up Voicemail?
  • You may set up voicemail by dialing 321 from your mobile phone (with the Yomojo SIM card). You will need to complete the voicemail tutorial and you will be asked to set up your recording and greeting. Note that if the tutorial isn’t completed, progress won’t be saved and you will need to restart the tutorial to set up your voicemail.
How do I access my voicemail message bank?
  • Easy! Just dial 321 on your mobile phone and you’ll be able to access your message bank.
How much does voicemail cost?
  • If you have a Voice allowance, your voicemail calls are included and will be charged on per minute blocking.
Can I access my voicemail from an Australian landline or another mobile?
  • Yes! You certainly can. You need to dial 133321 or 0411000321. You will be asked to enter your mobile number and the voicemail PIN you set up. Note that standard carrier charges apply when using this option.
Where can I change my call diversion settings?
You can update your diversion settings/ring time by logging into your Dashboard or mobile app and going to the SIM Settings. Alternatively, you may use these codes on your phone:
  1. Dial this code: **61*321**XX#
  2. Replace ‘XX’ with the ring length in seconds. The ring time can be set in increments of 5 seconds to a maximum of 30 seconds. (Eg. 05, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30.)
  3. Press Call or Send (as if making a call)
Online Safety
How can I keep myself safe online?
Ensuring online safety starts with understanding the risks and taking proactive measures to prevent, limit, or block them. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including handling illegal or restricted content, tackling cyberbullying, and addressing other forms of online abuse. If you find yourself at risk in the online realm, don't hesitate to reach out to us or report the incident to the eSafety Commissioner.

What are considered illegal and restricted online content?
Illegal and restricted online content encompasses a wide range of materials, from the gravely disturbing, such as images and videos depicting child sexual abuse or acts of terrorism, to content unsuitable for children, like simulated sexual activity, explicit nudity, or intense violence.

Producing, sharing, or downloading these kinds of content are against the law. You may refer to the Online Safety Act or the eSafety Commissioner’s guide to illegal and restricted content for more info.

I received/saw illegal or harmful content online. What do I do?
If you received or saw any illegal and restricted content online, you can either report the incident to us or to the eSafety commissioner.

When filling out a report, you’ll have to provide evidence about what has happened. This could be noting down information like the web page address (URL) or a person's user profile or supplying screenshots where appropriate. You can visit the eSafety complaints handling process for more information.

If possible, we'd encourage you to talk to a family member, close friend, or someone you trust to support you through this process.

How do I collect evidence for online safety threats?
If you encounter severe online abuse, refrain from immediately deleting any messages or comments. When reporting the abuse to us, eSafety, or the police, it's crucial to have evidence that indicates the time and location of the content being sent, posted, or shared. Gather this evidence now, as it may vanish if the other person's account is blocked. For more information, please visit eSafety's guidelines on how to collect evidence of online abuse.

How do I keep my Family safe online?
As parents or carers, we must be aware of these threats and educate our children about the potential dangers of the internet and how to respond to them.

Aside from awareness, there are other practical steps we can take to keep our family safe online. These include setting boundaries and rules for internet usage, installing parental control software, monitoring online activities, and having open and honest conversations about internet safety with our loved ones. We encourage you to check out the Communications Alliance's Family Friendly Filter (FFF) program to discover products that can help you block illegal and restricted online content.

Financial Hardship Assistance
What is Financial Hardship?
A situation where a customer is unable to discharge the financial obligations owed due to:

1. unemployment by the customer or a family member
2. illness of the customer or a family member including physical or mental incapacity and/or hospitalization
3. family death
4. reduced income
5. domestic violence
6. natural disaster

Am I eligible to apply for Financial Hardship assistance?
All postpaid Yomojo customers have the right to apply for Financial Hardship assistance. Prepaid customers do not have any financial obligations with Yomojo but our team can still provide you with some options to control your spend.

How can I apply for Financial Hardship assistance?
We encourage you to contact us if you experience any difficulties paying for our services. Please contact us by calling 1300 YOMOJO (1300 966656) if you would like to discuss any Financial Hardship matters with us. You can do so from Monday to Friday between 8am to 8pm and Saturday to Sunday between 10am to 6pm.

How long will the assessment take?
We will get back to you within 7 business days after you submit the completed application form and other needed supporting documents

What are the financial hardship assistance options?
Depending on the results of the assessment of your financial circumstances, we have a few options that may be applied.

If you wish to stay connected with us, some options include:

1. Spend controls;
2. Restriction of service, in respect of overall or specific services;
3. Transferring you to a Pre-Paid service;
4. Low-cost interim options until you can continue with original payments.

Some other options for suitable financial arrangements include: Some other options for suitable financial arrangements include:

1. Temporarily postponing or deferring payments;
2. Agreeing on an alternative arrangement, plan, or contract, including discussing Pre-Paid Services;
3. Waiving late payment fees;

What if my circumstances changed while I’m on a payment arrangement?
You need to notify us as soon as your circumstances change so we make the proper adjustments with your current arrangements.

Where can I find a Financial Counsellor?
You can talk to a phone financial counsellor or a consumer advocate who deals with financial difficulty matters from anywhere in Australia by ringing 1800 007 007 (minimum opening hours are 9.30 am – 4.30 pm Monday to Friday). This number will automatically switch through to the service in the State or Territory closest to you.

Alternatively, you can find the financial counselling service nearest to you by visiting

Does using eSIM change the way I use my mobile service?
No. Everything about how you use your service will stay the same regardless of whether you set up with an eSIM or a physical SIM.

Can I sign-up on any plan using eSIM?
Yes. You can sign-up for an eSIM on any Mobile plans.

Can I share my eSIM with another device?
An eSIM can only be used in 1 device. If you need to change phones, you’ll either get a new eSIM or get a physical SIM, depending which type of SIM your new device supports.

How do I switch from physical SIM to eSIM?
You can switch from a physical SIM to an eSIM, by performing a SIM replacement:

How do I sign-up with eSIM?
When you sign up, you will be given an option to choose what kind of SIM you need. Just choose “eSIM” and continue signing up. Note that you need a compatible device to use eSIM.

Is there an extra charge to get an eSIM?
No additional charge for signing-up or switching from physical SIM to eSIM.

What happens if I lost my device where my eSIM is installed?
If you've lost your device, please get in touch with us as soon as possible so we can put the appropriate temporary restrictions on your service.